Quintessenz Zahntech 2013;39(2):150–160
stained in one stage and can also be sintered together. In the experience of the author,
this is a timesaving, efficient working stage (Fig 9). Staining of the Ceramill Zolid abut-
ments in the partially sintered state, i.e. before fully sintering, can be completed using
Ceramill Liquids according to individual requirements. For comparison, Fig 10 shows
how homogeneous the result looks if the abutments are immersed in dentin-coloured
Liquid CL for 2 mins.
In Figs 11 and 12, the author has stained the intra-alveolar gingival region pink and
the “core” in a corresponding dentin shade using the brush technique. The abutments
have been stained both in the subgingival and mesioproximal to distoproximal regions
of the deep chamfer using a gingival-coloured liquid. The reason for this approach is to
imitate harmonious shade transition to the dentin for the porcelain shoulder fired on the
superstructure with the veneered cervical section of the crown (see Fig 11).
The visible area of the supragingival palatal region of the abutments has been com-
pleted in a dentin shade to ensure a matching shade transition to the superstructure
(see Fig 12). Figs 13 and 14 show the Ceramill Zolid abutments on the model.
Fig 8 The palatal emergence profile margins are supragingival.
Fig 7 The emergence profile margins were placed slightly subgin-
givally buccally.
Fig 10 Monochromatically stained abut-
Fig 11 Buccal view with gingivally colou-
red deep chamfer to support the cervical
region of the crown.
Fig 12 Palatally this supragingival margi-
nal region has been retained as a dentine
shade to ensure a harmonious transition to
the crown.
Fig 9 Simultaneously milled primary and
secondary frameworks.
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10