Quintessenz Zahntech 2013;39(2):150–160
All fully anatomical, monolithic Ceramill Zolid crowns in this case study were stained
and characterised in the partially sintered state, including internally in the cavity surface
(e.g. using the intensive solution CL orange in the occlusal area of the cavity) (Fig 15).
The author uses this intensive liquid highly diluted in a ratio of 25% to 75% (75% is
the proportion of distilled water) and it is then regulated according to the number of
applications, depending on the intensity required. In this case, the solution was applied
two to three times using a brush.
A translucent monolithic zirconia (Ceramill Zolid) bridge was planned and fabricated
for teeth 13 to 16. For this, the palatal guide surface on tooth 13 was dynamically
contoured quickly and precisely using the Artex Cr
virtual articulator. The rest of the
area was then anatomically reduced according to the respective parameters (Fig 16).
The framework of tooth 13 was also reduced from the mesiocervical to distocervical in
a CAD process in order to fire on a conventional porcelain shoulder.
The two pontics on teeth 14 and 15, which were only reduced buccally, were also
veneered. The functional occlusal contour was defined using the virtual articulator. The
Figs 13 and 14 Buccal and palatal view of the contoured emergence profiles.
Fig 15 Cavity surfaces stained
with dentine-coloured and
intensive CL Liquid; result after
Bridge for teeth 13 to 16
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9,10