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dasdental labor · LXII ·




All or nothing


ll or nothing – this could also

describe the guiding principle

of Amann Girrbach. The compa-

ny sets new standards with its Artex

articulators in terms of function and

advances to become a global player

with the Ceramill CAD/CAM system.

From the outset the dental specia-

list focussed on the complete dental

laboratory process chain in order to

ensure maximum functionality and

precision. The objective and purpose

of the Ceramill system has therefore

always been and remains a functio-

nal framework based on the latest

technology, which meets the require-

ments of the user as far as possible.

Software, products and process sta-

ges have been refined by permanent

research and development and have

now been perfected in “Digital Functi-

onal Prosthetics” (DFP); an integrated

method that produces a functional,

interference-free restoration – highly

precise and with maximum value cre-

ation for the laboratory.

The way to functional and aesthetic anterior restorations, Part 1

All or nothing


Dietmar Schaan,

Master Dental


Knut Miller, Dental




Patient data based

on dynamic data

Model fabrication

Programming of the


Preparation for virtu-

al implementation

From the fabrication of a precision model over transfer of the patient data

into the Ceramill CAD/CAM system to the design and fabrication of the

final result – in a five-part article Dietmar Schaan and Knut Miller present

an exemplary, step-by-step method of fabricating functional and aesthetic

restorations based on an anterior restoration.