· dasdental labor · LXII ·
Facebow registration (Fig. 2) is an in-
dispensible part of these patient data.
The cranium-axis relationship of the
upper jaw can be transferred to the
articulator and articulated (Fig. 15 and
16) with the aid of the facebow regis-
tration. Once the dental technician
finds the centric occlusion using the
centric relationship (Fig. 7) and can
thus eliminate interfering high spots,
there is nothing in the way of fabrica-
ting a functional restoration.
With the aid of the dynamic bite re-
gistration (Fig. 3 to 6) the individual
values of the inclination of condylar
guidance (Fig. 19) and Bennett ang-
le (Fig. 20 and 21) can also be indi-
vidually programmed on the articu-
A functioning articulator in the CAD
software provides the user with the
possibility of already incorporating all
the functional procedures in the resto-
ration using these parameters during
the design.
From analogue to digital
The dental technician already lays the
foundations for a fitting, functioning
restoration during model fabrication
(Fig. 9 to 11). With the segmented mo-
dels and the resulting expansion cont-
rol (Fig.12 to 14), the technician can
Fig. 22 Frontal view of the working model situation in the Artex CR
Fig. 23 Determination of the angle of the incisal guidance using the
incisal guidance unit
Fig. 24 The readable value of the incisal guidance angle: 46 degrees
Fig. 25 Determination of the canine guidance, left
All or nothing
Fig. 23
Fig. 25
Fig. 22
Fig. 24