dasdental labor · LXII ·
Ganz oder gar nicht
All or nothing
The checked, slightly adjusted and pol-
ished restoration is ready for finishing
(Fig. 23).
The porcelain can now be applied. A
framework that has been designed to
function intraorally is available for the
ceramist. The artistic dental technolog-
ical skill of the ceramist finally ensures
that the restoration is finished to an
aesthetically high standard.
Linking the analogue working stages
with the virtual world of the Ceramill
CAD/CAM software solution provides
a high degree of reliability and there-
fore also cost-effectiveness in the pro-
cess chain of modern dental resto-
ration fabrication. The controllable,
consistently repeatable procedures
enable the individual working stages
to be easily reproduced and are there-
fore a guarantee for functional and
aesthetic restorations.
Correspondence address:
Knut Miller, Dietmar Schaan
c/o Amann Girrbach AG
Herrschaftswiesen 1
6842 Koblach/Austria
www.amanngirrbach.comMore detailed information about
the authors at
www.dlonline.de/ service.de/autoren.htmle
Fig. 21 Check of the left
laterotrusion in the Artex CR
Fig. 22 The left laterotru-
sion in the virtual articulator
Fig. 23 The frameworks
ready for porcelain veneering
Fig. 22
Fig. 21
Fig. 23