dasdental labor · LXII ·
All or nothing
the teeth are clearly displayed. The
guide surfaces on the two central in-
cisors and canines are clearly visible
from the palatal (Fig. 11 to 13).
Customised with a mouse click
In the next section the “Freeform tool”
is activated. The “Add and remove
tool” helps to adjust the functional sur-
faces. Using the additional tool “Dis-
tance to the antagonists” the functio-
nal surfaces can be clearly determined
and shown as penetration in the oppo-
sing teeth. The gradual movement of
the articulator into the protrusion and
right and left laterotrusion helps the
dental technician to identify the guide
surfaces later (Fig. 14 to 16).
The operator accesses the most im-
portant tool of the entire design by
clicking on “Continue” – to “Adapting
the design teeth to the antagonists”.
By activating the Artex CR in the data-
base the software enables automatic
grinding in of the contact and guide
surfaces of all individual excursions. In
Fig. 8 Tooth shapes from the library
enable an initial impression of the final
Fig. 9 The first details of the design
are prepared using the “Freeform tool”
(cervical of the tooth, length of the teeth)
Fig. 12 The software makes a one-to-one
comparison of the “surface situation” with
the surface of the new teeth
Fig. 13 Clearly visible from the palatal:
functional surfaces (abrasive anterior and
canine guidance)
Fig. 11 The library teeth
are adapted to the existing
situation taking the “old
situation” into account
Fig. 10 The pontic is
adapted to the gingiva
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 8
Fig. 11
Fig. 13
Fig. 12