· dasdental labor · LXII ·
All or nothing
All patient parameters are transferred
to the virtual articulator beginning with
the extent of the excursions – protrusi-
on, laterotrusion to the left and right as
well as retrusion (Fig. 21).
The facebow registration and dynamic
bite registration ensure that all excur-
sions can be individually reproduced
in the virtual world. The software re-
cords the patient data determined by
the dentist. This includes centric occlu-
sion, freespaces in centric occlusion,
all processes of the incisal and canine
guidance and abrasion surfaces as im-
portant reference points, which are
part of a functional restoration. The
user can rely on the fact that the indi-
vidual patient parameters are availab-
le at any time in the CAD software. The
next part demonstrates the step-by-
step creation of the aesthetic and fun-
ctional design.
Fig. 21 The virtual arti
culator is programmed with
all patient parameters
Fig. 22 After the excur
sions, the functionally
relevant parameters are
stored in the software
Correspondence address:
Knut Miller, Dietmar Schaan
c/o Amann Girrbach AG
Herrschaftswiesen 1
6842 Koblach/Austria
www.amanngirrbach.comMore detailed information about the authors at
www.dlonline.de/service.de/autoren.html http://bit.ly/1iBUUFP http://bit.ly/18aYPVIFig. 22
Fig. 21