In general, the denture teeth supplied by
the dental manufacturers should only be
considered as the starting point. By
means of individual adjustments, the lab
technician is capable of creating a solu-
tion tailored to the individual patient.
The contour and outline of the incisal
edge decisively influences the tooth
shape and thus the appearance of teeth
as far as age and function-related
features are concerned.
The characterization procedure
presented here is very simple and quick
to accomplish and allows tooth restora-
tions to be ideally adjusted to the
individual patient.
For me, it is an important step towards
achieving an aesthetic restoration.
In the examples shown on the right
I have covered a SR Vivodent
standard denture tooth with metal
powder to better illustrate the
Careful finishing of the incisal surface
towards the oral aspect is pivotal to
achieving a natural-looking, customized
incisal line.
The individual shape of an anterior tooth
Incisal edge of a standard denture tooth
Example of a worn incisal edge in an elderly patient
Example for the adjustment of the incisal edge in a middle-aged patient
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