· dasdental labor · LXII ·
All or nothing
The fit of the crown margins is comple-
ted using high-lustre polishing (Fig.
13). The check shows a perfect fit,
shoulderless margins and an initial
overall view of the frameworks on the
working model (Fig. 14). With the gin-
gival mask in place the technician gets
an initial impression of which stages
must still be taken into account in
further work with the framework (Fig.
and very closely examined. The Artex
CR should show the same function as
its virtual counterpart and reflect exac-
tly what was prepared during the de-
sign in the CAD software. Figures 17 to
22 show the comparison of the situati-
on in the Artex CR and in the virtual
Fig. 17 Check of the guide surfaces in
the Artex CR, incisal guidance in protru-
Fig. 18 In comparison, the protrusion
in the virtual articulator
Fig. 16
Important: the
polish on the
zirconium guide
Fig. 19 Check of the right
laterotrusion in the Artex CR
Fig. 20 The right latero-
trusion in the virtual articu-
The functional surfaces, customised
incisal and canine guidance surfaces
have not yet been explicitly checked.
The functional surfaces are polished to
a high lustre before checking. These
surfaces should also assume the func-
tion in situ later without any interferen-
ce factors. Any roughness – no matter
how minor – on such functional surfa-
ces would result in abrasion on the
opposing tooth and cause permanent
damage to the antagonist. Careful po-
lishing is therefore indispensible (Fig.
16). After placing the models with the
finished frameworks in the articulator,
the functional surfaces can be checked
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 18
Fig. 17
Fig. 16