· dasdental labor · LXII ·
All or nothing
Correspondence address:
Knut Miller, Dietmar Schaan
c/o Amann Girrbach AG
Herrschaftswiesen 1
6842 Koblach/Austria
www.amanngirrbach.comMore detailed information about the authors at
www.dlonline.de/service.de/autoren.html http://bit.ly/1iBUUFP http://bit.ly/18aYPVIe
Fig. 27 Transfer of the patient situa-
tion from the actual Artex CR to the virtu-
al world using the transfer stand of the
Ceramill MAP400 scanner, which has
also been calibrated
The transfer stand of the Ceramill
Map400 scanner (Fig. 27) is calibrated
using the same calibration key, so that
the dental technician can be certain
that the occlusion and excursions can
be transferred 1:1 into the virtual sys-
tem. This ensures that the new occlu-
sion and functional surfaces are desi-
gned reliably. All patient values deter-
mined – including the incisal and
canine guidance values, recorded with
the customised incisal guidance unit
(Fig. 10) – are attained by entering “Ar-
ticulator excursions” in the Ceramill
Mind software.
This digital processing of dynamic and
static values ensures reproducible pa-
rameters and functional working with
the models for the user. It is therefore
worth using a method, which does not
allow any compromises and which is
constantly precision based. Well-devi-
sed process sequences and controlled
stages in work preparation are prere-
quisites for a high-quality restoration.
The next part focuses fully on scanning
in the Ceramill Map400 as well as the
correct choice of material and working
with the “Ceramill Artex” virtual articu-
Fig. 27